Case Study #001 – Non-Performing Note 2019

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The Investor Used NoteMatriX Methods & Exit Strategies!!

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SOLD / Historical Analysis (2019) Non-Performing Note

*Purchased on the NoteTradeX Trading Platform

Note Buying 420 E Clark St

420 East Clark Street, Pinewood, SC 29125

  • 9Suggested Offer Price: $5,000
  • 9UPB: $5,000
  • 9As is Value: $25,000
  • 9Loan to Value: 20%
  • 9 Interest Rate: 12%

Quick Summary of Asset Benefits:

This investor was looking for a highly collateralized performing asset with 50% Cash on Cash return but open to a growth opportunity like a re-fi or flipping the note for X% ROI.
Review the following 3 Potential Exit Strategies generated by our proprietary NoteMatriX – Note Investing Calculator :

INVESTOR SELECTED – Exit Strategy #1:

Foreclose as REO and Wholesale Property

Buy the Note at $5,000 (UPB), foreclose and wholesale as deeded property at $18,750

  • =Total Capital In : $8,845
  • =Time to Complete: 2 Months
  • ROI: 125%
  • Total Profit: $11,030

*Investor’s Option as Exit Strategy #2 :

Record Deed in Lieu and Fix and Flip

Buy the Note at $5000 (UPB), Invest an additional $10,000. Sell as rehabbed deeded property at $35,000
  • =Total Capital In : $23,185
  • =Time to Complete: 3 Months
  • ROI: 99%
  • Total Profit: $11,185

*Investor’s Option as Exit Strategy #3 :

Record Deed in Lieu and Seller Carry (CFD)

Buy Note at $5000 (UPB), invest an additional $10,000. Sell as rehabbed property as a Seller Carry CFD for $40,000. Keep non-refundable deposit & cash flow the property for 5 Years.

  • =Total Capital In : $21,220
  • =Time to Recoup Capital: 21 Months
  • Cash On Cash: 56%
  • Net Monthly Cash Flow : $950


Individual investor results may vary, projections and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are from actual investors, and may not reflect the typical experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Every investor has unique level of commitment, experiences, management strategies, and applies the information in a different way. Information contained on this website should not be considered professional financial investment advice. Investing and note trading are inherently risky activities. The ideas and strategies should never be used without first assessing your own personal and financial situation, or without consulting a financial professional.

At NoteMatriX We Have Developed a System of 26 Profitable Exit Strategies!

So No Matter What Your Note Deal Looks Like, We Have a Strategy for You to Make Money!!

In Business, Strategy is a Key Element of Success!

When Investing in Real Estate Notes Your Strategy is Just as Important!

The NoteMatriX team understands the business of note investing. So we’ve taken the time to chart out your deal possibilities for you!

We’ve simplified your path to profit!

Yes! That’s Right! The NoteMatriX team has you covered! Not only have we put together our top notch education program… But, we’ve also developed the “Catalyst” – Our proprietary ‘Notes Deal Calculator’ that makes charting your path to success a breeze!

Imagine having a playbook and a calculator so you immediately KNOW the fundamentals of your deal and most preferable path to profit! BEFORE you even make an offer! The mechanics of all note deals have similar parameters, but can still be very complicated and technical. With the Catalyst you’re ahead of the game!

You’ll have an ‘Ace’ up your sleeve with the knowledge from NoteMatriX’s education program & our Catalyst deal calculator you’ll be able to quickly understand each note deal!  You’ll know what options you have, the finances involved, and what is the quickest route to profit! So you can prioritize the deals that are big winners!

Note Investing Deal Calculator

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The Catalyst

Note Investing Calculator Catalyst

26 Profitable Exit Strategies!